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Download the solution portatour® + Dynamics and save the file. Import the downloaded solution by following the steps below.
- Log in to your Dynamics 365 Organization via a user who is a system administrator.
Note: To import solutions into Dynamics 365, the role of System Customizer is sufficient. However, for the subsequent configuration of portatour® + Dynamics, it is necessary to be a system administrator. - In the Dynamics 365 menu, navigate to Settings and then to Customization - Solutions.
- Select Import and then Browse. Select the saved file ''.
- Click on Next. Information about the solution is displayed.
- Click Next. The Import Options window is displayed.
- In the field Post Import Actions, tick the option Enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution.
- Select Next. The solution is now being imported. This process takes up to 5 minutes. After the installation, a window containing information about imported solutions is displayed.
- Click Close. The solution is now imported.
- Refresh the window of your web browser (key F5).