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All customers of the territories included in the territory optimization are displayed on the map. Territories of excluded users are not displayed. The individual territories are distinguished from each other by color. Each circle is a customer ; home locations are shown as squares
The customer markers show you the status of the customers at a glance:
Customer is not reachable - by the current user or by no user. | |
Manual modification(s) have been made. | |
Customer was assigned manually - fixed at the current user or assigned to another user. Coloring instantly matches the target user. The number of customers in the legend is also updated immediately. | |
Excluded from territory optimization - only relevant for the map under Initial situation. The customer was manually excluded from the territory optimization by customer exclusion (see Initial situation > Customer exclusions). | |
Customer was newly added - only relevant for the map under Manual adjustments and Post processing. This applies to customers who have been added and who have not (yet) been taken into account for the analysis of the initial situation or for the optimization result. Go to Initial Situation and click Refresh. Then start a new territory optimization by clicking on Start optimization. |
You have the following display options:
- Drag the mouse to move the map.
- A double-click on a location on the map zooms it in. Alternatively, use the two zoom buttons in the top left corner of the map.
- In addition to the '+' and '-' zoom buttons, in the upper left corner you will find the 'intelligent zoom' button
, which zooms out to the overview of all territories of the territory optimization.
- Clicking on a customer highlights the respective territory.
- If you click on a customer again, their info bubble will open. Here, you can see at a glance useful information for the respective stage at which you are in the territory optimization. Two examples:
Initial situation | Optimization result |
- Clicking on the customer's name in the info bubble opens the corresponding customer detail page in the user's workspace in a new browser tab.
In the legend at the bottom right, you have the following options:
- Click on a username and then click the gray 'smart zoom' button
to bring the selected user's territory into focus.
- Click on the eye
to hide and show individual territories. A click on the eye at the top of the legend shows all areas again.
- If you want to hide the legend, click on the X in the upper right corner.
In the top right corner, click the cogwheel icon to open the options:
If you do not want to display all customers on the map, select the option that suits you, e.g. Included & unreachable on the map of the Initial situation.
On the map for the Initial situation and for Manual adjustments, there is also the possibility to change the coloring of the customers. The time spent per customer plays a major role in territory optimization. Therefore it can be interesting to display customers not by territories but by time effort. This can be displayed as follows:
Color: Driving time
The required driving time can be displayed per call, per week, per month, per quarter or per year.
By clicking on a customer, you can see the expected driving time for that customer. The following factors are taken into account when determining the driving time:
- Customer's call interval
- Driving time share of the customer in possible day trips taking into account
- driving times to surrounding customers provided that call intervals, business hours and call durations are 'compatible' for a day tour,
- travel to and from the home location, and
- the typical traffic situation during working hours.
- Possible overnight stays
Tip: Check the customers colored red. These cost you a relatively large amount of driving effort. If you have already performed and applied territory optimization, you should consider visiting these customers less frequently. This will save you a disproportionate amount of time. Experience shows that it is enough to adapt the call intervals of the 'most costly' 1% customers to save up to 5% driving time.
Color: Call time
If the call time is displayed per week, per month, per quarter or per year, the call time per call is multiplied by the respective number of calls - depending on the set call interval.
Color: Total time
Driving time and call time are added. The resulting time spent can be displayed per call, per week, per month, per quarter or per year.
Color: Driving time share
The driving time share is the share of driving time in the total time.
How to get to the map
At the following points in portatour® it is possible to display all territories or to make edits for territory optimization on the map:
- Initial situation > Map
- Initial situation > Customer exclusions > Add new customer exclusion > Map
- Manual adjustments > Customer modifications > Add new customer modification > Map
- Manual adjustments > Customer modifications > Map
- Manual adjustments > Map
- Interim result > Map (only visible if manual adjustments have been made)
- Optimization result > Map
- Post processing > Customer assignments > Add new customer assignment
- Post processing > Map
- Final result > Map (only visible if post processing has been done)
In addition, clicking on the map symbol next to the user name in the tables under Initial situation > Analysis, Interim Result > Details, Optimization Result > Details and Final result > Details will take you to the map highlighting the respective territory.