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Organization settings regulate the basics upon which portatour® creates schedules. According to the practice of your sales organization, working hours, business hours of customers, call intervals and similar values are entered here.
The configuration of most portatour® parameters is hierarchical. Higher level settings are automatically forwarded to lower levels (User, Customer) as 'default' values, however, they can be overwritten manually.
Your Organization Settings set the highest level. These are first initialized with portatour® Factory Settings. As Administrator you adjust the Organization Settings to the organizational requirements of your business.
The Organization Settings apply as default values for all users. Users can set other values in their User Settings to overwrite the Organization Setting, when required. The combination of Organization Settings and Custom User Settings provide the default values for all customers who are assigned to a user.
Individual Call Settings of each customer (Account / Contact / Lead) are set at the lowest level. There, settings can also be changed individually.
The hierarchical configuration reflects individual circumstances of the customer (business hours, priority), the individual user's way of work (home location, work hours) and the sales strategy specifications (Call Interval, …). If you, over time, change Organization Settings, you should notify the users as it causes changes to their immediate scheduling.
Select Organization Settings on the portatour® Options page.
The Organization Settings are initialized with portatour® Factory Settings. Deactivate the Default checkbox in order to overwrite the respective setting. Adjust all values to your organization so that they apply to most of your portatour® users.
If you activate the Default checkbox again, the values will reset to portatour® Factory settings.