Click Actions > Delete customer, to move the customer to the recycle bin for 14 days. Confirm your request.
To delete multiple customers in one go, use mass editing (see Extended customer search and Selection mode and mass editing).
Recycle bin
To access the recycle bin, click on Customers in the main menu. Go to More and then select Recycle bin.
Your deleted customers are listed, sorted by deletion date:
In the recycle bin, we differentiate between customers who were manually deleted by the click of a button in portatour® and customers who were automatically deleted during an import. To change the selection, switch on top of the list between Deleted manually and Deleted by import.
To restore a customer, click the customer in question and select Restore. In the context menu you also have the possibility to immediately permanently delete the customer. To restore or permanently delete multiple customers at once, use the buttons below the list.
Notes on the recycle bin:
- Customers in the recycle bin are completely ignored by portatour®. They are neither scheduled nor can they be opened, edited or exported.
- The retention period in the recycle bin is usually 14 days. It can be shorter if the limit of 3,000 customers is exceeded. In that case, the customers with the oldest deletion date are removed from the recycle bin early.
- If your customer records have External IDs, a customer can be automatically restored from the recycle bin during import if there is a customer record with a matching External ID.
- Users with a direct link to a data source system (Salesforce, Dynamics 365) do not have a recycle bin in portatour®, as if a customer is deleted, it is moved to the recycle bin of the respective source system anyway.