There can be several underlying reasons why a customer (Account, Contact, or Lead) cannot be activated. The same problem may appear both in manual and mass activation.
Can the object type be activated for your organization?Your administrator can specify whether Accounts, Contacts and Leads can be activated in the organization settings for customer activation. For example: If Leads were configured as non-activatable, you cannot activate any Leads. You can check availability in the drop-down menu Data in which can be found on the page portatour®/Options/Customer Activation.
Are there geo-coding error messages?There can be geo-coding errors during Mass Operations, see section Geoposition Warnings during Mass Activation. Error messages and unactivatable customers can be found in portatour®/Options/Geoposition Warnings.
Are you the owner of a customer?In the Single sales rep per customer Mode only the owner can activate the respective customer.