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To configure further settings, click on the button Edit Customer Call Settings, which can be found in the Customer Call Settings section within the customer detail page.
Here you can define whether and how the customer is taken into account by portatour® for sales-route scheduling.
You can also see values that you have configured in the portatour® user settings. You can set differing settings by deactivating the Default checkbox next to the respective setting. As described in the Next Call section, you can also set differing scheduling requirements at short notice.
System Information
In the section System Information you can see the default Salesforce record information of call settings (Owner, Created by, Last modified by), as well as the affiliation to the customer (depending on customer assigned: Account/Lead/Contact) and owner of the customer:
Clicking on the links will open the corresponding records in the browser.
In the Multiple sales reps per customer Mode, you can transfer call settings to a different Salesforce user. Click [Edit] next to the name of the current owner (see section Transfer Call Settings).