If you are in charge of a larger territory, you can save time and costs if you do not have to return home at the end of each day, but stay overnight instead.
In the section Overnight Stay on the way, you specify which days of the week you can stay overnight. In addition, you specify the Minimum Distance of the overnight stay from home. As such, portatour® only plans an overnight stay on the way, if the drive back home at the end of the day is longer than the distance in Miles or the duration in Minutes.
Note that portatour® does not schedule an overnight stay on the way in any case simply because you have allowed it for certain weekdays. An overnight stay on the way must meet the above minimum distance criteria and also bring relevant benefits in terms of time savings to be suggested by portatour®.
If you already have preferred locations for overnight stays in your territory – e.g. favorite hotels or hotels with special rates – you can additionally specify within which maximum travel duration this preferred location for overnight stays should be selected. The management of these locations is explained in section My Places. If, after a customer call, portatour® does not find a preferred location for an overnight stay within the travel distance defined here, the schedule ends at the last customer. The choice of a nearby hotel is yours.
Hint: If you want to sleep at a particular location on a given day, set an appointment with the exact accommodation address at the end of your working day – e.g. 6-7 PM – into your Salesforce calendar and activate it for portatour® (see section Surrounding Customers).