By clicking the Map icon above the customer list, you arrive at the map view that displays your customers and current schedule.
You can move the map by moving your finger on the touchscreen or dragging the mouse. A double-click on a location on the map zooms it in. Alternatively, use the two zoom buttons in the top left corner of the map.
In addition to the '+' and '-' zoom buttons, in the upper left corner you will find the 'intelligent zoom' button , which switches between important map sections, including the zoom level:
- Normally, this button will take you to the full view of your entire territory, i.e. you see all your customers at a glance.
- If you have customers without call intervals (displayed in grey) that lie outside your core territory, this button then switches between the core territory (i.e. all customers with call intervals) and the total territory (including all the grey customers). The default snippet, which appears when the map opens, covers the core territory.
- If you look at the schedule on the map and, in addition, also display all further customers, the button switches between the schedule and the overall view of all customers.
More buttons on the top right of the map:
- The traffic button
allows to display the current traffic situation (see Show current traffic on map).
- Click on the crosshair icon
to show your current position on the map (see Determine GPS location).
- The cogwheel button
opens the map options (see Customer map options).
The symbols identify your customers, whereby the default color indicates the urgency for a visit (red = overdue, yellow = due now, green = not due, gray = no call interval or activation date in the future). You also have the option of adjusting the coloring to suit your individual requirements (see Customer map options for further information).
When clicking on a customer marker, an info bubble appears, displaying summary information of the customer. By clicking again or clicking on a different spot on the map, the info bubble closes. Clicking on the customer name will open the customer detail page (see Customer details).
You can recognize whether the customer is already included in the current schedule, first by the enlarged marker containing the date of the planned call in the top row, second by the call being shown in the info bubble. In case a reservation has been made for a customer, the symbol R appears in the second row of the marker. Appointments are visualized with the symbol A in the second row.
Hint: If several customers have the same address and therefore the markers would lie on top of each other on the map – e.g. two contacts in the same building – portatour® staggers the markers a few meters apart on the map. Consequently, the position no longer corresponds to the exact geographical location, but all markers are visible and clickable.